Jack County School Pictures
Old School Pictures That Have Been Sent In

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Please send in any old school pictures !
I would love to post them -

Bryson School (or may be Keyser School)
(Around 1913 and 1915)
sent in by Curtis Price bioguy64@gmail.com
He writes: "My Great Grandmother, Clementine Isabelle Nichols, is in the picture between the two males on the back row.  I arrived at that date because Clemmie appears to be about 16 years old and was born in 1897.  Clemmie was born and raised in Jack County.  The girl on the opposite side of the teacher is Ethel Gulley Rhodes." 
The second picture may be from about 1915.
Click on thumbnail of the first picture to make it VERY LARGE

1913 Bryson School.jpg (840200 bytes)


Bryson School 4th Grade Class of 1947
sent in by Curtis Price bioguy64@gmail.com
He writes: "This picture is from the Bryson school, Mrs. Hazel Harty's 4th grade class of 1947.  It came from a collection of pictures belonging to Mary Jolene Smith Price. Some of the names on the back of the photo (student names attachment) were incorrect but I 
corrected them in the list below."
Click on thumbnails of the picture and 
the names on picture back to make them LARGE

1947 Byrson 4th grade.PNG (1490375 bytes)   1947 Student Names 1947.PNG (396467 bytes)

Fourth Grade Students of Bryson School – 1947

Teacher – Mrs. Hazel Harty


Top Row- Glenda Box, Francis Ford, Carl Sarce(Syrus), Emmitt Glidwell (Glidewell), James Armstrong,
Richard Carter, Dorothy Stafford, Alvin Bilby.

2nd Row- Donald Wayne Robinson, Rex Bilby, Gerald Wayne Crum, Gerald Ray Deck, William Rhodes, Gerald Wayne Smith, Lewis & Rupert Fields, Coleta Ford

3rd Row- Carolyn Cullers, Beth Kinder, Sue Theadford(Thedford), Doris Sarce(Syrus),
Barbara Nell Bradford, Patsy Kinder, Ethelda Bryson

Bottom Row- Billy Ray Butler, Jimmy Burton, Bobby Bowers, Will Edd Cullers,
Darrell Glidwell(Glidewell), Jackie Staniel(Stansell)

Corrected names acquired from Bryson School Yearbooks.



Bryson Church of Christ Vacation Bible School
(1949 or 1950)
sent in by Curtis Price bioguy64@gmail.com
Front Row Left is Larry Gene Price.  Next to him is Teddy Ralph Smith.  Three down from Teddy is Donald Wayne Price, in the T-shirt and Cuff pants.  One down from Wayne is Gerald Wayne Smith.  The boy two rows back over Wayne's right shoulder is Jerry Arthur Price.  The little girl in the white dress directly behind the small boy in the front is Mary Jolene Smith.  The man on the far right is Clarence Arthur Price.  He was the church minister at the time.  His wife, Naomi Price, is on the back row two people down from Clarence.

Keyser School (3 miles SE of Bryson, consolidated with Bryson in 1920)
(1911 Booklet)

sent in by Curtis Price bioguy64@gmail.com
He writes: "This document was given to the students of the school by the teacher.  You will find several short inspirational snip-its.  A list of student names, the teacher and other school officials are named as well.  This particular document was given to Clemmie Nichols and passed down through the family."

List of Names in Booklet:
Teacher - D.R. Scott
President - G.E. Evett
Vice President - Sam Martin
Secretary - Ed Sanders
Ballow, Clara
Ballow, Ethel
Barker, Jim
Beck, Ara Ann
Beck, Ovid
Butler, Bessie
Butler, Susie
Evett, Dora
Evett, Fannie
Evett, Leona
Evett, Tom
Hutchinson, Earl
Hutchinson, Elton
Jones, Josie
Jones, Nellie
Jones, Tommie
Keyser, Edgar
Keyser, Harold
Martin, Dora
Martin, George
Martin, Harvey
Martin, Nelson
Martin, Roxie
Miller, Elvia
Miller, Maudie
Nichols, Clemmie
Nichols, Idlia
Preston, Edmond
Preston, Emma
Preston, Lillie
Rhodes, Arnie
Rhodes, Bird
Rhodes, Pink
Click on thumbnail pictures below to make them LARGER

1911 Keyser School bk1.jpg (77476 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk2.jpg (73052 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk3.jpg (68683 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk4.jpg (91802 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk5.jpg (66701 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk6.jpg (70749 bytes)   1911 Keyser School bk7.jpg (66159 bytes)

Rocky Point School
(Was located between Crafton and Newport - NE corner of Jack County)
Pictures and lists of teachers and students 
sent in by John E. Kibler of Fruit Heights UT johnekibler@yahoo.com
He writes: "was browsing about Jack County and come across your message with Lee Rottler.
I knew the James Blanton family when I was a kid. His nickname was "Bug".
I was born about l/2 mile from Rocky Point school and attended there l935 to l941"
Click on these thumbnail pictures to make them VERY LARGE

Rocky Point School House.jpg (3546558 bytes)   Rocky Point School House & Children.jpg (1912308 bytes)   Rocky Point School Around 1920.jpg (4383986 bytes)   Rocky Point School Students.jpg (2473132 bytes)   Rocky Point School More Students.jpg (5378820 bytes)   
Rocky Point School 3 people.jpg (8246582 bytes)
   Rocky Point School Lela Kibler.jpg (8490785 bytes)   Rocky Point School John Kibler.jpg (14769594 bytes)

Rocky Point School (#37) Teachers
List Prepared July 1985 for Florine Deweber
Year Teacher Year Teacher
1897-98 Ira E. Wagner 1931-32 Odessa Gann (Mrs. Hollis Lewis)
1898-99 Miss Alice Hanna 1931-32 Grace Hunter
    1932-33 Althea Northum
1911-12 G.W. Cleveland 1933-34 LaVerne Zuber
1912-13 Bessie Graves (Mrs. George Thompson) 1934-35 LaVerne Zuber
1913-14 Lillian Thomas 1935-36 LaVerne Zuber Ogle
1914-15 Lillian Thomas 1936-37 Mrs. Emma Swan
1915-16 Louis Humphries 1937-38 Edna Hale
1916-17 Louis Humphries 1937-38 Vera Parish
1917-18 Ruby Higgs 1938-39 Vera Parish
1918-19 Lola Dickenson 1939-40 Miss O'Nell Garrett
1919-20 Valera Blanton 1940-41 Miss O'Nell Garrett Holt
1920-21 J.B. Blanton 1941-42 Nell Thomas
1921-22 Mis Amy Keen 1941-42 Mollie Lowe
1922-23   1942-43 Miss Lula Belle Morris
1923-24 G.L. Patterson 1943-44 Helen Ruth Williford
1924-25 Grace Turley 1943-44 Mrs. Ona Ruth Whitaker
1924-25 D.B. White 1944-45 Mrs. Ona Ruth Whitaker
1925-26 Mrs. J.B. Blanton (Valera) 1945-46  
1926-27 Mrs. J.B. Blanton (Valera) 1946-47  
1926-27 E.F. Vickers 1947-48 Mrs. O'Nell Garrett Holt
1927-28 Nettie Golden 1948-49 Mrs. O'Nell Garrett Holt
1928-29 Florine Selby 1948-49 Tommye Martin
1929-30 Florine Selby    
1930-31 Florine Selby    
Rocky Point School Students
Agan, Billie Gibson, Clark Maudy, John Sedden, Herbert
Agan, Bobie Gibson, John McBeth, Alfred Mo Sedden, Jimmie Ruth
Agan, Ione Gibson, Leona McBeth, Hattie Marie Sedden, Lucille
Agan, Jodie Gilbreath, Bettie Joe McDonald, Cue Sedden, Z.C.
Bales, Andrew Gilbreath, Ela Laura McDonald, Donald Shurbet, Betty Joe
Bales, Clara Lee Gilbreath, Mae Bell McDonald, Joan Shurbet, Jessie
Bales, David Gilbreath, Sam D. Moody, Clyde Shurbet, Osman
Bales, John June Givens, Cecil Moody, Dorothy Stokes, Ocie Marie
Blanton, James Givens, Durwood Moody, Vergie Wayne Susan, Annabell
Bowman, Aaron Givens, Jean Morris, Clea Susan, Ethel
Bowman, Ava Givens, Leon Morris, Garrett Susan, Oliver
Bowman, Deltas Givens, Winnie Gene Morris, Lula Belle Susan, Robert
Bowman, Eldon Godge, Marie Morris, Sam Susan, William Billie
Bowman, Eunice Hadley, Leta Mae Moss, Clifford Tarpley, Billie Ray
Bowman, Faye Hamilton, George Moss, J.K. Tarpley, Tommie Daniel
Bowman, Jake Hamilton, H.B. Odle, Mazell Tipton, Carroll
Bowman, Oleta Hamilton, R.C. Palmer, Alta Fae Tipton, Virginia
Bowman, Opal Hayman, Bobby Palmer, Billy Joe Tucker, Mary Jo
Brown, Alta Sue Hickman, Curtis Palmer, Eula Mae Tucker, Murrell
Brown, Ava Hicks, Arch Palmer, Johnnie Waters, Chandler
Brown, Ella Lou Hicks, Janie Lou Palmer, Robert Weatherly, Gwendlyan
Brown, Geneva Hicks, Jessie Florine Palmer, Zula Mae Weatherly, Helen
Brown, Thurman Hicks, Mary Phillips, Daisy Wells, Chris
Brown, Wanda Hicks, Sadie Leona Phillips, Frances Wells, Cletis
Carlisle, Annaloy Higgs, Billie Jack Phillips, Wilda Wells, Hazel
Carlisle, Raymond Higgs, Weldon Phillips, William Wells, Herman
Carlisle, Wilber Hodge, Alta Pigg, Irene Wells, Lorena
Carter, Flora Mae Hodge, Charley Pigg, Vera Wiley, Betty
Carter, Tommie Hodge, Ruby Pigg, William Wiley, Jo Ann
Choice, Heralf Hoffman, Lorine Pinkston, Bonnie Wiley, Joan
Choice, Lila Lee Isbell, Opal Louise Pitts, Wilford Wiley, Obe Benher Chastain
Choice, W.L. Isbell, Ruby Jean Plamer, Alamay Woolsey, Gernum
Clifton, Coy Jones, Albert Lee Poore, Clodell Woolsey, J.C.
Clifton, Maudyally Jones, Belle Dean Price, Carney  
Cox, L.D. Jones, Marshall Price, Clinton  
Dalton, Dorthy Jones, Neomi Price, Wilmer  
Dalton, Elbert Jones, Thelma Reagan, Douglas Ray  
Dalton, Frannie Kibler, John Roberts, Fabel  
Dalton, Lonnie Kibler, Vanda Roberts, William Jay  
Dalton, Sadie Kibler, Wayne Rudolplh, Elmina  
Defoore, Rachel King, Carl Ray Scarber, Cecil  
Defoore, Raymon King, Wilma Faye Scarber, Clyde  
Defoore, Viola Lancaster, Gracie Fern Scarber, Fay  
Defoore, William Lancaster, Hubert Scarber, Lewis  
Dickey, Reba Grace Lancaster, Lois Leverne Scarber, Lonnie  
Eads, Lveoda Lindsey, Genva Scarber, Opal  
Eliott, Billie June Love, Jimmie Lee Scarber, Rosie  
Fitzgerald, E.G. Love, Leota Scarber, Weldon  
Gant, Jimmie Carroll Love, Louise    
  Love, Roy Dalton    


1933 Salt Creek School  
(SW of Jacksboro-By Dark Corner Cemetery)
Click on these thumbnail pictures to make them LARGE

1933 Salt Creek School.jpg (231337 bytes)   1933 Salt Creek School - Names.jpg (556669 bytes)

Picture was sent in by James Phillips <Elv1sFan.jcp98@live.com
Some students are identified in the picture on the right. 
He writes, "Hello, this is a photo of the Salt Creek School of 1933 in Jack County with some of my relatives identified in one and the other without the labels. If others could help identify some of the people I would greatly appreciate it.

Below are 2 pages of pictures and history of the Salt Creek School from the big History of Jack County book. They are thumbnails and will be very large if clicked on.

Salt Creek School 1.jpg (1877274 bytes)   Salt Creek School 2.jpg (615964 bytes)

Union Point School  
(North of Jacksboro)
Click on these thumbnail pictures to make them LARGE

Union Point School Class 2.jpg (209898 bytes)   Union Point School Class.jpg (662125 bytes)

Pictures sent in by Helen Parker compgenie.hp@gmail.com 
She writes about the picture on the left, "I came across this photo in my husband's aunt Sophie Eason's photos. It is a photo of the Union Point School in Jack County, Texas. I know two of the girls. The girl second from the left in the back, is Sophie Mae Henderson. The last girl in the back row next to the boy in a ball cap is Mary Francis Henderson. (Sophie's older sister). I do not know who the other children are."
She writes about the picture on the right, "Here is another photo of the Union point school. This one was older then the first one. No information on the back of the photo. I know that Sophie is in this one as well. She is in the middle row, third one from the end on the right. Another on the left of the middle row, second from the end is Jasper Smith. Not sure who the others are."

Union Point School with names.jpg (255024 bytes)   Union Point School from Hist of Jack Co book.jpg (873843 bytes)

Helen writes about this picture, "This is the photo of Union Point school with 4 of the Henderson children in the Photo. I believe that Aunt Winnie Henderson had this in her possession. Ella is my mother-in-law, Winnie is next, Sophie is the one in the middle row and their older brother Key is in the back next to the teacher." We found the picture on the right in the History of Jack County book. It had the students listed.

Below is a page of the history of the Union Point School from the big History of Jack County book. It is also a thumbnail and will be very large if clicked on.
Union Point School-Hist bk.jpg (361822 bytes)

Union Ridge School 1909-10  
(6 miles south of Bryson)
Click on this thumbnail picture to make it LARGE

1909 Union Ridge School.jpg (538063 bytes)

Picture was sent in by Jerry Herd and Angie Randall
Students are identified at the bottom of the picture, but are also listed below alphabetically:

Ainsworth, Ada Denning, Clarence Lee, Robert
Ainsworth, R.L. Denning, Emma McElroy, Edna
Ainsworth, Ubern Denning, Homer McElroy, Everett
Allman, Ernest Denning, Houston McElroy, Minnie
Allmon, Annie Denning, Luther McElroy, Nora
Allmon, Nora Denning, Minnie Simpson, Lawrence
Barnes, Howard Herd, Bertie Tripp, Lillie
Barnes, Jasper Herd, Charlie  
Barnes, Oscar Herd, Gertrude (cut out)  
Counts, R.N. (teacher) Herd, Jesse  
Cullers, Belle Herd, Lola  
Cullers, Dolph Holman, Bessie  
Cullers, Linnie Holman, Iva  
Cullers, Luther King, Harvey  
Cullers, Mary King, Lillie  
Cullers, Mattie King, Nellie  
Cullers, Zula King, Rufus  


Vineyard School Band about 1930  

(Vineyard 2 story brick schoolhouse in background) 
Picture sent in by Roy Felkner rfelkner66@att.net


Jacksboro School 1954
Click on any of the 3 thumbnail pictures to make them LARGE


Jacksboro 1954 - 2.jpg (476700 bytes)  Jacksboro 1954 - 1.jpg (348859 bytes)  Jacksboro 1954 - 3.jpg (488668 bytes)

Pictures were sent in by Nelda Erwin Conant texasnel@verizon.net